DG_ Bidding Procedures

Except as otherwise specifically provided in this policy, all contracts for the purchase of goods and/or services in excess of $20,000.00, (excluding contracts for professional services), will be awarded based on competitive bids from at least three providers unless otherwise provided herein. For purchasers of materials, supplies, and/or equipment, if there are only two responsible providers, the school district will make reasonable efforts to obtain bids from both providers. If there are more than two such providers, the school district will make reasonable efforts to obtain bids from at least three providers.

Construction or remodeling/reconstruction projects of $100,000.00 or more will be let for competitive bids using an electronic bidding platform. For construction or remodeling/reconstruction projects of less than $100,000.00 but more than $20,000.00, the use of the electronic bidding platform is not mandatory, but reasonable efforts will be made to obtain bids from at least three qualified contractors.

The Board of Education, superintendent, or designee as appropriate may in their sole and final discretion reject any or all bids, and may waive irregularities or technicalities in the bidding process, and accept the bid which appears to be in the best interest of the school district. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, if it appears that the school district can have the work performed or secure the material for less than the lowest responsible bid, it may proceed to do so.

When school district personnel responsible for acquiring bids deem appropriate, all bids for a particular purchase will include a list of subcontractors and major suppliers used in the bid.

With regard to materials or services for which bids are required, the superintendent or designee may develop a procedure to pre-qualify bidders. Suppliers and contractors can pre-qualify on the electronic bidding platform utilized by the district. When a determination is made that a particular project will be bid on a pre-qualified basis, when specifications are prepared they will be sent to all suppliers and contractors who have pre-qualified. On such projects, only pre-qualified bidders may submit bids.

Competitive bidding on contracts for the purchase of goods and/or services will not be required in the following circumstances:

  1. When the services are to be performed exclusively by school district personnel (including construction and maintenance work).

  2. When the total cost of the goods and/or services is less than $20,000.

  3. When in the exercise of reasonable diligence, the school district Administration determines that only one outside provider is able or available to provide the goods and/or services or a particular portion of the goods and/or services.

  4. When an emergency or other exigent circumstance renders competitive bidding impossible or impractical.

  5. When unique circumstances involving the purchase of goods and/or services without competitive bidding will substantially benefit the school district. Before any such purchase is made, the appropriate school district personnel will document why the circumstances are unique, why the cost of purchase will not be improved by competitive bidding and why the school district will substantially benefit from the purchase. Such documentation will be presented to the Board of Education, superintendent, or designee, as appropriate.

  6. When the bidding process has been completed by the state and the district is eligible to receive the state-bid price.

  7. The district will take advantage of cooperative purchasing and piggybacking arrangements whenever such buying appears to be to the benefit of the district. The purpose of cooperative purchasing and piggybacking will be to obtain the best materials at the lowest price with greater efficiency. Piggybacking refers to utilizing another agency or vendor’s contract that has gone through a competitive bidding process. In order to take advantage of a piggyback contract, these rules must be met:

    1. Agency must provide a copy of the bid request, submitted response, and contract awarded.

    2. The contract must be within the previous two years.

In all cases where contracts for the purchase of goods and/or services will not be awarded based on competitive bidding, the Board of Education will be notified in advance.

All bids will be submitted sealed either electronically or physically depending on the requirements stated in the bidding documents. A list of the firms that have submitted bids will be available upon request after the close date.

The bidder to whom an award is made will be required to submit to the district proof of liability insurance and when appropriate, proof of workers' compensation insurance, and may be required to enter into a written contract with the district. Any written contract will include a provision requiring a criminal background check for any person providing direct services to students under the contract, including but not limited to transportation, instruction or food services as required by law. The contracting entity will be responsible for any costs associated with the background check.