BC_ Board Member Qualifications

A candidate for the office of school director shall be:

  • a resident of the school district and a registered voter, as shown on the books of the county clerk and recorder, for at least 12 consecutive months prior to the election

  • 18 years or older by the date of the election

  • a citizen of the United States

No candidate may run representing a political party.

In addition, any person who has been convicted of, pled guilty or nolo contendere to, or received a deferred judgment or sentence for commission of a sexual offense against a child is ineligible for election to a school district board of education. Similarly, any board member who is convicted of, pleads guilty or nolo contendere to, or receives a deferred judgment for a sexual offense against a child while serving on a board shall become ineligible to serve and a vacancy shall be created. Any person who is the subject of a pending charge of commission of a sexual offense against a child at the time of election is ineligible for election to a school district board of education.

It is important that the candidate be sincerely and honestly interested in serving the whole school district for the best interests of all children. Board members shall be nonpartisan in dealing with school matters. The Board does not wish to subordinate the education of children and youth to any partisan principle, group interest or personal ambition.

The Board considers it a conflict of interest for a Board member to also be employed by the district. Therefore, the Board shall not hire any of its members as an employee of the district nor shall the Board approve any compensation for a member for services rendered to the district as an employee. Therefore, an employee elected to the Board shall be required to relinquish employment with the district prior to taking office. Employees are encouraged to consider this prior to running for the Board.