DB_ Federal Fiscal Compliance

Federal funds received by the district shall be administered in accordance with this policy and applicable federal law, including but not limited to the federal Uniform Grant Guidance. The Board designates the chief financial officer as the district contact for all federal programs and funding.

The superintendent or designee may develop and implement accompanying regulations to assist in the proper administration of federal funds and implementation of this policy, including but not limited to cash management procedures and allowability of costs.

Subrecipient monitoring

If the district awards subgrants, the district shall monitor grant subrecipients to ensure compliance with applicable law and Board policy.

Time and effort reporting

District employees paid with federal funds shall document the time they expend in work performed in support of each federal program and/or such program’s cost objective(s), in accordance with applicable federal law. Time and effort reporting requirements do not apply to contracted individuals.


The district shall maintain proper federal fiscal records in accordance with Board policy and applicable law. Such records shall be retrievable and available for programmatic or financial audit.