DE_ Purchasing Authority

The Board's authority for the purchase of materials, equipment, supplies and services is extended to the superintendent or designee through the detailed listing of such items compiled as part of the budget-making process and approved by the Board through its adoption of the annual operating budget.

The superintendent or designee shall direct the purchase of such books, supplies, equipment and other materials as is required and permitted within the limits of the budget. The purchase of these items shall require no further Board approval except in those instances where Board policy requires certain purchases to be put to bid. However, any single, non-budgeted purchase or expenditure greater than $20,000 shall require advance approval by the Board.

In order to receive the greatest value for each dollar expended, it shall be the policy of the school district to obtain comparative prices based on similar quality, to consider a balance between long-term quality and cost, and to purchase in quantity whenever possible and practical.