AA_ District Name and Boundaries

  1. District Name

    1. The legal name of the District is El Paso County School District #2. It is commonly referred to as Cheyenne Mountain School District 2.

  2. Legal Description (March 1973)

    1. Starting at the northwest corner of Section Six (6), Township Fifteen (15) south, Range Sixty-five (65) west, of the Sixth (6th) Principal Meridian, and thence proceeding as follows:

    2. COURSE ONE (1)

      1. North two and one half (2.50) miles along the Range line between Range Sixty-six (66) west and Sixty-five (65) west to the one-half section line of Section Nineteen (19), Township Fourteen (14) south, Range Sixty-five (65) west.

    3. COURSE TWO (2)

      1. East one and one-half (1.50) miles along the one-half section line of Sections Nineteen (19) and Twenty (20), Township Fourteen (14) south, Range Sixty-five (65) west to the center of said Section Twenty (20), Township Fourteen (14) south, Range Sixty-five (65) west.

    4. COURSE THREE (3)

      1. South one-half (0.50) mile along the one-half section line of Section Twenty (20), Township Fourteen (14) south, Range Sixty-five (65) west.

    5. COURSE FOUR (4)

      1. East one (1.00) mile along the south section line of Sections Twenty (20) one-half (0.50) mile and Twenty-one (21) one-half (0.50) mile, Township Fourteen (14) south, Range Sixty-five (65) west.

    6. COURSE FIVE (5)

      1. North one (1.00) mile along the one-half section line of Section Twenty-one (21), Township Fourteen (14) south, Range Sixty-five (65) west to the north section line of said Section Twenty-one (21).

    7. COURSE SIX (6)

      1. East three and one-half (3.50) miles along the north section line of Sections Twenty-one (21), Twenty-two (22), Twenty-three (23) and Twenty-four (24), Township Fourteen (14) south, Range Sixty-five (65) west to the east boundary line of Range Sixty-five (65) west.

    8. COURSE SEVEN (7)

      1. South three (3.00) miles along the east boundary line of Range Sixty-five (65) west, Township Fourteen (14) south, and four and three quarter (4.75) miles along the east boundary line of Range Sixty-five (65) west, Township Fifteen (15) south to the south sixteenth (16th) corner of Section Twenty-five (25), Township Fifteen (15) south, Range Sixty-five (65) west.

    9. COURSE EIGHT (8)

      1. West nine (9.00) miles along the south sixteenth (16th) lines of Sections Twenty-five (25), Twenty-six (26), Twenty-seven (27), Twenty-eight (28), Twenty-nine (29), and Thirty (30), in Township Fifteen (15) south, Range Sixty-five (65) west, and Sections Twenty-five (25), Twenty-six (26), and Twenty-seven (27), in Township Fifteen (15) south, Range Sixty-six (66) west, to the intersection with the west line of said section Twenty-seven (27) at its south sixteenth (16th) corner.

    10. COURSE NINE (9)

      1. North three and three-quarter (3.75) miles along the west lines of Sections Twenty-seven (27), Twenty-two (22), Fifteen (15) and Ten (10), to the northwest corner of Section Ten (10), Township Fifteen (15) south, Range Sixty-six (66) west.

    11. COURSE TEN (10)

      1. East one quarter (0.25) mile along the north line of Section Ten (10) to the west sixteenth (16th) corner of said Section Ten (10), also said corner being on the south line of Section Three (3) at its west sixteenth (16th) corner, all in Township Fifteen (15) south, Range Sixty-six (66) west.

    12. COURSE ELEVEN (11)

      1. North one (1.00) mile along the west sixteenth (16th) line of Section Three (3) to the intersection with the north line of said Section Three (3) at its west sixteenth (16th) corner, in Township Fifteen (15) south, Range Sixty-six (66) west.

    13. COURSE TWELVE (12)

      1. East two and three-quarter (2.75) miles along the Township lines between Townships Fourteen (14) south and Township Fifteen (15) south, to the northeast corner of Section One (1), Township Fifteen (15) south, Range Sixty-six (66) west, which is also the northwest corner of Section Six (6), Township Fifteen (15) south, range Sixty-five (65) west, the point and place of beginning (Course One (1)).