BB_ Powers of the School Board

Powers and mandatory duties of the Board are defined in state statutes.

This Board considers that its most important functions fall into the following categories:

  1. Legislative or policymaking. The Board is responsible for the development of policy and for the employment of a superintendent who will carry out its policy through the development and implementation of regulations.

  2. Educational planning and appraisal. The Board is responsible for acquiring reliable information from responsible sources which will enable it to make the best possible decisions about the scope and nature of the educational program. The Board is responsible for requiring appraisal of the results of the educational program.

  3. Staffing and appraisal. The Board is responsible for employing the staff necessary for carrying out the instructional program and establishing salaries and salary schedules and other terms and conditions of employment, as well as for personnel policies district-wide in application. The Board is responsible for appraising the effectiveness of its staff by providing for regular evaluation.

  4. Financial resources. The Board is responsible for adopting a budget that will provide the financial basis for buildings, staff, materials and equipment which will enable the district to carry out the educational program. The Board is responsible for exercising control over the finances of the district to ensure proper use of, and accounting for, all district funds.

  5. School facilities. The Board is responsible for determining school housing needs, for communicating these needs to the community, for purchasing sites, and for approving building plans that will support and enhance the educational program.

  6. Communication with the public. The Board is responsible for providing adequate and direct means for keeping the local citizenry informed about the schools and for keeping itself informed about the wishes of the public.

  7. Judicial. The Board is responsible for acting as a court of appeal for school staff members, students and the public when issues involve Board policies and their fair implementation.

  8. The Board may exercise the above powers and duties only when convened in a legally constituted meeting. All powers of the Board lie in its action as a group. Individual Board members exercise authority only as they vote at a legal meeting of the Board and when the board has lawfully delegated authority to them.