DF_ Federal Procurement

This policy and its accompanying regulation shall apply to the purchase of services, supplies, equipment or other property with federal funds that are subject to the federal Uniform Grant Guidance (UGG) and other applicable federal law, including but not limited to the Education Department General Administration Regulations (EDGAR) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) regulations governing school food service programs. In the event this policy or its accompanying regulation conflict or are otherwise inconsistent with mandatory provisions of the UGG, EDGAR or other applicable federal law, the mandatory provisions of such laws shall control. District employees shall follow Board policy concerning employee purchasing authority when making any purchase with federal funds and shall obtain prior Board approval in those instances when it is required by Board policy. District employees shall also follow applicable state law and Board policy concerning competitive bidding, to the extent state law and/or Board policy establish additional requirements that are not inconsistent with this policy and its accompanying regulation.

Micro-purchases (less than $10,000)

A “micro-purchase” is a purchase that, in an aggregate amount, is less than $10,000.

Micro-purchases may be made or awarded without soliciting competitive quotations, to the extent district staff determine that the cost of the purchase is reasonable. For purposes of this policy, “reasonable” means the purchase is comparable to market prices for the geographic area. To the extent practicable, the district will distribute micro-purchases equitably among qualified suppliers when the same or materially interchangeable products are identified and such suppliers offer effectively equivalent rates, prices and other terms.

Small purchases ($10,000 to under $250,000)

A “small purchase” is a purchase that, in an aggregate amount, is $10,000 or more, but less than $250,000. For small purchases, price or rate quotes shall be obtained in advance from a reasonable number of qualified sources, as detailed in this policy’s accompanying regulation, unless:

  1. A valid basis exists under the federal Uniform Grant Guidance for relying on procurement by a noncompetitive proposal (i.e., “single source” procurement); or

  2. The district elects to use a more formal competitive bid or request for proposal process.

Large purchases ($250,000 or more)

A large purchase is a purchase that, in an aggregate amount, is $250,000 or more, and may be made based upon sealed bids, competitive proposals, or noncompetitive proposals (sole sourcing), as set forth in this policy’s accompanying regulation..