BH_ Organization of the Board

Board of Education Membership

  1. The Board of Education shall have five (5) members, elected pursuant to law. b. If elected for a full term, the term is for four (4) years.

  2. A vacancy or vacancies on the Board of Education shall be filled pursuant to law.

Officers of the Board of Education

  1. Within 15 days after the regular biennial election, the Board shall meet in an organizational session at a regular or special meeting for the purpose of selecting officers.

  2. The officers of the Board of Education shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, and the Treasurer.

  3. The officers shall be elected by Board Members, pursuant to law.

  4. The Board of Education Secretary shall be appointed by the Board and shall serve at the pleasure of the Board. The Secretary may or may not be a Board Member.

  5. The Board of Education may, as it deems necessary, elect an assistant treasurer and an assistant secretary. These persons may or may not be Board Members.

  6. The President and Vice President shall hold office for a term of two (2) years and until a successor has been elected and qualified.

  7. The President and Vice President may be elected by secret ballot if the Board so chooses.

  8. The order of presiding at a regular or special meeting of the Board of Education shall be President, Vice President, Treasurer.

  9. The Secretary and the Treasurer may be compensated for their services in such capacities in an amount determined by the Board of Education, but the President and Vice President shall receive no compensation for their services in such capacities. All officers shall be reimbursed for necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties in an official capacity.

Board Committees

  1. The Board of Education shall have no standing committees. Special committees may be created by the Board for special assignments. When so created, such committees shall be appointed by the President and shall terminate upon completion of their assignments or they may be terminated by a vote of the Board any time.

  2. Board Members shall serve on committees and task forces as approved by the Board of Education or through the Employee Input Process (EIP).

  3. The Board of Education may appoint parents, citizens, students, certificated and classified employees to committee task forces.

  4. The Board of Education will be responsible for the appointment of a District Advisory and Accountability Committee, which will be advisory to the Board. It will also cause the appointment of building based educational planning and accountability committees, which will be advisory to school principals.

Professional Assistance

The Board may retain an attorney for legal counsel and services in the affairs of the District. The attorney serves at the pleasure of the Board and is compensated for services as determined by the Board.

  1. The attorney will be required to attend Board Meetings or other meetings where his/her services may be needed. His/her services are also available to the Superintendent and the Secretary of the Board. Staff members who desire legal advice on school problems should make their requests to the Superintendent.

  2. The Board of Education shall employ an auditor or an auditing firm pursuant to law. Such services shall be paid from District funds.

  3. The Board of Education may employ such other professional assistance as it deems necessary for the welfare of the students and employees and for the operation of the District.

Board Meetings

  1. Regular meetings of the Board of Education shall be held every Wednesday in each calendar week. All meetings shall be held in the Board Room of the Administration Building convening at 7 p.m.

  2. Date, time, and location of Board meetings may be changed by Board approval. c. Special Board meetings may be called pursuant to law.

  3. A special meeting at which no action items are scheduled is referred to as a “work/study session.” Work/study sessions shall be open to the public and the statutory notice requirements for a special meeting shall be followed.

  4. All regular and special Board meetings are open to the public.

  5. At any regular or special meeting the board may proceed in executive session, at which only those persons invited may be present, but no final policy decisions shall be made by the board while in executive session.

  6. The designated place for posting notice of meetings of the Board of Education shall be the bulletin board of the administration building.

Board Meeting Procedure

  1. The president of the board of education shall preside at all regular and special meetings. b. The vice president shall preside in the absence of the president.

  2. The Secretary shall keep complete records of the action of the Board meetings. The minutes of the board shall be kept in an official minute book, and shall be a complete record of such minutes including resolutions and motions in full. The proceedings will be audio-recorded. The audio recording will be maintained for 90 days, however, the official minutes will be written minutes submitted by the secretary to the board of education. Copies of such minutes of a meeting shall be provided to members of the board before the meeting at which they are to be approved. Following approval, the permanent minutes shall be signed by the secretary and the president of the board of education.

  3. A majority of the members of the board of education shall constitute a quorum and a majority of such a quorum shall be necessary for the transaction of any business.

  4. All voting at any meeting shall be by roll call. The names of the Members shall be called alphabetically, and each Member present shall orally vote “aye” or “no” upon each question unless excused from voting by the Board for good cause.

  5. The President of the Board may “make a motion” or “second a motion” provided the Chair has been relinquished to the appropriate officer.

  6. Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall be the guidelines for conducting business.

Order of Business

The order of business shall be as follows:

  1. The Board of Education has the authority to change the order of business as it deems necessary.

  2. Items which do not appear on the printed Board agenda may be brought to the attention of the Board during the meeting and may be considered if approval for consideration is granted by the President of the Board. The Board as a whole shall have the final decision in determining the appropriateness of such considerations.

  3. The President of the Board may limit discussion on any agenda item or the Board of Education may vote to limit discussion on any agenda item.

  4. The Board recognizes its responsibility to conduct the business of the District in an orderly and efficient manner and will therefore, require reasonable controls to regulate public presentations to the Board. A person wishing to be heard by the Board shall first be recognized by the President. The person shall identify himself/ herself, step to the microphone, and proceed with his/her comments as briefly as the subject permits. The President is responsible for the orderly conduct of the meeting and shall rule on such matters as the time to be allowed for public discussion, the appropriateness of the subject being presented, and the suitability of the time for such a presentation. The Board as a whole shall have the final decision in determining the appropriateness of all such rulings.


  1. The District Superintendent shall prepare the agenda for each Board Meeting. Any Member of the Board may submit suggestions for items to be included in the agenda.

  2. The agenda and supporting materials, including a listing of bills to be acted upon and minutes of the previous meeting or meetings, shall be distributed to the Board Members as required by law.

  3. The agenda and supporting materials listed in “b” above may also be distributed to other District personnel, subject to approval of the Superintendent and/or Board of Education.


A. Call Roll

B. CONVENE into executive session when necessary

C. RENEW Pledge of Allegiance to Flag


A. ACT ON minutes from previous meeting

B. RATIFY payment of expenditures

C. RATIFY general fund compliance report

D. RECEIVE and/or ACT ON correspondence

E. Superintendent’s Report


G. PUBLIC COMMENT - ANY RESIDENT OF CHEYENNE MOUNTAIN SCHOOL DISTRICT #2 Is welcome to address the Board of Education at this time on items PERTAINING TO EDUCATION AND/OR THE OPERATION OF THE DISTRICT. Any person wishing to address the Board is requested to come to the microphone and on being recognized give his/her name and address. Questions relating to employees of the district WILL NOT BE PERMITTED; such questions should be referred to the Superintendent at another time. It is requested that comments be limited to five (5) minutes. H. HEAR items not appearing on the agenda



1. Items as necessary


1. Items as necessary



1. RECEIVE or ACT ON items as necessary


1. RECEIVE or ACT ON items as necessary


1. RECEIVE or ACT ON items as necessary


1. RECEIVE or ACT ON items as necessary