BF_ Leave Related to Board Service

  1. LEAVE RELATED TO BOARD SERVICE. The Board of Education recognizes that service on a board of education is unpaid volunteer service that requires the effort and time not only of the board member, but also requires the time and support of the board member's family and, often, fellow workers or employers. In order to ensure, to the extent feasible, that the School District can best utilize such time and support, and to encourage other employers to implement similar policies, the following leave policy shall be implemented by the School District.

  2. ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE. An employee of the School District whose spouse is a member of the Board of Education of the School District may take paid administrative leave for the purpose of accompanying the Board member to Board activities or functions when the following criteria are met:

    1. The central purpose of the activity or function shall be the furtherance of Board or School District objectives;

    2. The activity or function shall benefit the Board and/or the School District and the involvement of the Board member's spouse is likely to contribute to such benefit;

    3. The activity or function shall not directly or indirectly result in any financial benefit to the Board member or his/her spouse (payment of reasonable expenses shall not be deemed to be a financial benefit);

    4. The granting of the leave shall not cause undue hardship for the School District; and

    5. The maximum number of days of leave pursuant to this policy shall not exceed five days in any school year.

BOARD AUTHORITY. The Board of Education shall have the final authority to approve or disapprove any leave hereunder.